How to Improve Your Gas Mileage

a 2023 Honda Civic Hatchback driving downtown

Honda vehicles are some of the most fuel-efficient on the market, but did you know there are ways to improve your gas mileage on the roads of Sharon? As your Honda vehicle and general driving experts, Shenango Honda is here to provide you with some of the best tips on improving fuel efficiency on every trip. Take a look at some of our fuel-saving best practices! 



Simple Ways to Improve Gas Mileage

Some of our most effective tips for improving fuel efficiency can be implemented during the most mundane drives or grocery store runs around Hubbard. The best part is that you might already do some of these without even realizing it. Here’s how to improve gas mileage during your commute: 

  • Your car has to work harder when carrying more weight, so try to get rid of any unnecessary cargo.
  • Avoid letting your car idle, and shut off the engine whenever you’re parked and no longer need to be driving. 
  • Drive at the speed limit or even a little bit below the speed limit. 
  • Try to keep a steady speed during your drives. 
  • Speed up slowly until you get to your desired speed instead of slamming your foot on the gas. 

For even more tips on improving fuel efficiency, visit Shenango Honda! We always look forward to showing drivers how to save fuel when driving, so they can look forward to getting on the road.

Services That Can Help You Be More Fuel-Efficient

What are some other ways to improve gas mileage? Besides the driving habits we mentioned above, one of the best ways to save as much fuel as possible on the road is to have your vehicle serviced regularly. 

To be as fuel-efficient as possible on the Mercer roads, here are some common services we recommend: 

  • Proper air pressure in your tires
  • Spark plug replacement
  • Air filter replacement
  • Wheel alignment
  • Broken/missing spoiler replacement
  • Oxygen sensor replacement
  • Thermostat replacement
  • Cabin air filter replacement
  • Brake inspection
  • Brake pad replacement
  • Oil change

Keep up with your Honda maintenance schedule so that you can be as fuel-efficient as possible wherever you drive. 

Get a Fuel-Efficient Honda in Hermitage!

Of all the tips on improving fuel efficiency that we’ve mentioned, one of the best tips is to upgrade to a Honda! They’re lightweight, aerodynamic, and have some of the best fuel economy ratings in the automotive industry. Contact us to see what we currently have in our inventory, and reach out to us if you ever have any questions.

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    3965 E. State St., Hermitage, PA, 16148

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